Be You (Mental Health and Wellbeing)

At the end of 2018, Coolbinia PS became a Be You School. Be You is a national mental health initiative that promotes mental health and wellbeing, from the early years to 18, and offers educators and learning communities evidence-based online professional learning, complemented by a range of tools and resources to turn learning into action.
Here at Coolbinia, we use many strategies and initiatives to enhance the mental health and wellbeing of our staff and students. These include lunch and recess activities such as Roots and Shoots, Mindful Monday and PUPS (pop up play spaces), mindfulness activities, Zones of Regulation, a staff wellness plan and wellbeing songs.

We also teach a Social and Emotional Learning Be You approved program called Friendology to assist in helping children navigate the tricky world of friendships. Work done here includes dealing with conflict, helping children choose healthy friendships and building self-confidence and self-esteem.

Currently, the company responsible for this program, URSTRONG, are offering free lifetime membership for families. Join here; using the code URSTRONG if not already applied